داستان آبیدیک

communication pipeline


1 کامپیوتر و شبکه:: پایپ‌لاین ارتباطی

This paper studies the relations between load balance, inter-processor communications and communication pipeline technique during the mapping process, and proposes an Integer Linear Programming (ILP)- based static task mapping approach, which considers both load balance and communication optimization. Exist- ing mapping methods consider application-level communica- tion optimization mostly by mapping heavily-communicating tasks as close as possible [3], [5], [9] or duplicating key tasks to overlap communication and computation [7], [10], but few works [11] consider exploiting fine-grained communication optimization techniques, such as communication pipeline [6]. Communication pipeline preprocesses part of the commu- nications beforehand, so communications and computations from different pipeline iterations can be overlapped to hide the communication time. Moreover, communication pipeline can be utilized in both acyclic and cyclic topologies with additional constraints for cyclic topologies. Compared to the communication optimization in previous mapping methods [3], [5], communication pipeline can effectively reduce the communication transfer time without increasing the computa- tion loads.

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